Tuesday 24 August 2010


Fashion writers love to coin new words (or just shorten existing ones) to describe the ever changing style landscape. Emergent hybrids are given compound names - although, maybe we could live without skort (skirt/shorts) and batchel (bag/satchel). Then there are a whole host of initialisms ... VPL, OTK - OMG, doesn't anyone communicate in full anymore?! But it is LBD that has truly established itself in our collective vocabulary, as well as our wardrobes. Now the gate-keepers of the English language at the Oxford English Dictionary have decided to include LBD in recognition of its widespread usage and agreed meaning (I mean, I for one am still confused whether LOL stands for laugh out loud or lots of love). No woman's wardrobe is complete without a trusty little black dress. It's the fallback and the statement, sexy yet classy, stylish without appearing try hard. What's more, it's never been out of fashion since Coco Chanel shocked Paris by wearing what had, until then, been classed as widows' weeds. Now its well and truly here to stay. Simple, accessible and wearable - as Vogue correctly predicted, the LBD has become 'a sort of uniform for all women of taste'. The LBD is your BFF!

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